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Társadalomtudományi pletykablog - A jó modor tudománya és a tudósok jó modora

Friss topikok



Gratulálok, Hannah!

2008.04.10. 07:31 honoré

In 1926, when Arendt informed Heidegger of her other affairs, he congratulated her. "I love you as on the first day - that you know," Arendt wrote to him, but in 1929 she married Günther Stern, and moved with him to Frankfurt. Stern was a journalist and former philosophy student. Arendt did not love him and they divorced in 1937. Arendt's doctoral thesis, Der Liebesgriff bei Augustin: Versuch einer philosophischen Interpretation, appeared in 1929. In a note, referring to Heidegger, she criticized his concept of "world" as impersonal and loveless. In Arendt's subsequent study of Rahel Varnhagen, a Berlin Jew, her description of Rahel's broken love affair with Count Finckenstein has been read as an examination of Arendt's own experiences.

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